Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homework 15~ Mostly

Okay. Right now this isn't going to be illustrated. XD

My role in this game is doing artwork/concept art. It's a little difficult because I'm actually a horrible artist, as in I can't draw with my hands. Well, everyone can, but I just suck. Horribly. So most of my concept art is deemed either useless, not detailed enough...or just horrible. Mostly by me.

I've done the concepts for Anna, which I deemed important because she isn't appearing in the part of the game we're creating but is an essential character. Therefore we have a concept I drew of her and also one that my far more talented bestie drew up for me. Unfortunately, my printer isn't working so I can't print it out to color it, and I keep forgetting to send it to Brandon dang it all. D:< I did a concept for the main enemy, but we ended up finding a far more terrifying texture and using that for the enemies. I also have not been able to color that concept. I hate coloring originals. Let's see...I've done a few lamp designs, only one of which I think is actually kind of cool. I also came up with the concept for the outside of the mansion, which is the first thing I drew up. I have a colored version that hasn't been scanned in because my printer/scanner hates everything. >.< Pretty sure I have other concepts that I just can't think of right now.

I am also the primary person in charge of the poster. I've come up with a draft and hope to get started once I receive measurements for the poster. Brandon is in charge of coming up with the words for the poster, but otherwise it's all me. I'm pretty darn excited about the poster. Like I said, it's almost completely planned out, just about down to the types of images that are going to be used and page layout. All I need are measurements, the actual images, and text.

Blender contribution...well, I will admit that mine is little to none. Closer to none. I have almost no patience, and this program certainly requires time and patience. I don't want to say that I'm under the learning curve, but I will admit that I don't learn well from tutorials and by experimenting. I would just need more time to learn the program than most people, I suppose. It's not really akin to Photoshop or Illustrator, which I'm used to working in.

By the way, if you guys enjoy being around Asians/maids/butlers/random girls in lolita, join AASU for the Halloween Social this Friday at 8:00pm in the Globe. It's on Facebook. Just saying.

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