Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Homework 16

Guh. Rules. I really wanna just copy and paste from another homework. XD And it trips me up every time!! Let's see...you go through the mansion fulfilling certain goals in order to progress to the next mansion. This becomes a vicious cycle until we're merciful enough to let you get to the final house and save Anna's bear. You have to do this by completing goals...you can't fly and you can't cheat. >.> You can't challenge the zombie bears to a game of chess.

The ultimate goal is definitely saving Anna's bear. It is certainly achievable, it'll just take mad skills. Or something. But yeah, definitely attainable.

I'd like to think the goals are rewarding. Normally getting through a difficult boss is enough for me. Especially in Kingdom Hearts. If I'm having problems with a boss and I finally beat him, I'm pretty much jumping for joy! I mean, in addition there'd be some sort of reward, such as a power-up or new weapon.

Eight kinds of rules. Operational...we have those, lol. That's the whole you can't fly through this level and challenge the zombie bears to chess. Functional...I must say I'm a little confused on what these are. Maybe...something to do with the gun...I have no idea. As far as behavioral rules go, I'm sure there are a lot of them, but I'm guessing they'd be pretty outrageous. The first thing that comes to mind is that you can't teleport or walk through walls, but those could be functional as well. Let's see...how about after you lose a boss fight, you can't walk up and sucker punch them? Also, I feel like written rules are the same as the operational rules, just shoved into a book that hardly anyone reads. XD I doubt we'd have any laws, because I can't imagine this game being played super competitively. I guess we could have house rules though, if those are comparable to basically changing the controls.

If I understand the question correctly, then yes. Within each mansion, there are a certain set of goals that must be completed before progressing to the next mansion. Each of these mansions must be completed before reaching the ultimate goal. So yes, they are related to each other. I feel like they help the story progress in a reasonable manner. If you were just given one goal and the whole game was to complete that goal without having to do anything else...I feel like that would be awkward.

Mmm, I don't think our game is the type that you could control your own goals. In my head, I equate it to Mario, just with different characters. Technically, you could just go on a zombie bear killing spree, but you wouldn't get far in the game. So the goals are pretty much laid out for you.

Forms of balance our game includes. As you progress farther in the house, you run into more enemies, thus making the game harder. Eventually you are able to upgrade your gun, which would make the game a bit easier, but then you start running into more zombies and the game becomes harder again. And this makes the game balanced.

Operative actions: most basic would be moving forward, backward, left, and right. I think you can also strafe left and right, and you can definitely jump. There is also shoot. Less basic would be picking up objects, such as health and guns. Also interacting with objects such as the flicking of a light switch and the opening of a door. 

Resultant actions: still thinking throwing stuff would be cool. XD Maybe make a gun that does that? 

Real skills developed: finger dexterity, because that's essential in any game in my opinion. Also problem-solving and memorization...and getting a feel for what it would take to survive around zombie bears? It's good practice for the apocalypse...Virtual skills would be things such as...being able to shoot the zombie bears, learning how to move in the game (because for me the keyboard is a bit difficult to use), umm...drawing a blank.

And I feel like I just talked about balance four or five questions ago. XD

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