Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Homework 13

Well, the game is pretty much being developed as we go along. The most we're really prototyping is attempting to come up with decent concept art. 

I suppose a lot of things could go wrong. XD There could be some programming errors, as in we can't figure out how to make the character pick something up, or some similar malfunction. We could attempt to model something and it just ends up looking like crap!

I'm pretty sure men and women will not like our game equally. Most women do not like shooting teddy bears. The most feminine aspect of our game at the moment is the concept of Anna. She's friggin' adorable. Making the game more appealing to women would be a terrible ordeal, unless they are women of a different caliber, in which case adding a "dress-up the teddy bear" minigame may work. ^^;

Shooting things is definitely appealing to 15-18 year olds trying to get their hormonal rages in check. XD To make it more appealing to them...add skimpy outfits and boobs. And explosions. Blood and gore. Ages 40-50...skimpy outfits and boobs? Maybe some Pong?

Pleasures...I'd assume it would be pleasurable to destroy/annihilate your enemies. I mean, killing vicious looking bears that consume souls is pretty pleasurable to me. Discovering new weapons, maybe even toss a grenade or two in the mix.

I feel that iteration is probably a problem for us. XD There's a level of awkwardness our group experiences when conversing simply because of the huge gap in Blender skill. My primary focus is art (even though I suck at drawing) and as of now I'm concentrating on the poster. I have some ideas that I've been sketching out and I'm pretty excited about making it. I LOVE MAKING POSTERS. I'm not sure how my ideas are going to come together yet, but I can tell you I'm excited. :Db I try not to take on Blender things for the game just because I know I won't be able to deliver.

Changes to the game...Right now we have no way of figuring out how much health you have, or recovering your bullets. So that definitely needs to change. Progression through the house may change as well.

Currently the game plan is to work out some of the mechanics of the game, like, as previously stated, recovering health and bullets, tracking health, tracking objectives...right now those things aren't really working, partially because they aren't there. The player doesn't have a set goal at the moment, and that certainly isn't working.

I think the player will enjoy shooting unconventional enemies. I mean, these are vicious teddy bears, not humans or evil birds or something. The combination of shooting things and solving puzzles seems to be pretty popular, as shown by games such as Dead Space, etc. They may not like our initial thoughts on handling health; we were considering making the screen steadily turn red as you begin to die. While it's not something done often, it can also make it hard to see your enemies and thus you'll die and then ::ragequit::. I obviously expect players to keep playing, but hopefully will do so repeatedly, as in find the game worth going back and replaying multiple times.

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