Thursday, September 2, 2010

Homework #2

Here's my creepy little character in some hilly terrain.
All right. Finally was able to make my character on hilly terrain. It took me three days to get to this point because I forgot everything we learned last Thursday. I've never worked with a program like this before, so this is definitely turning out to be a learning experience! 

What I finally did was create a plane, subdivide it, and used the proportional editing tool to make the hills. I played around with the sphere, root, and one other type of hill-making. Then I made an icosphere, used the root subset of the proportional editing tool to make his arms, and shoved another sphere on there for good measure. It seems like the circle that I randomly created managed to get there too. As for the colors...I think it was under materials...or something. I was clicking buttons and found it. XD 

EDIT: Fun new fact: my laptop refuses to run the video capture software while I'm using Blender. It took about five minutes for it to subdivide a random cube once, and then completely crashed. I'll have to install it on another computer and see if it'll work there. Or get a new laptop...

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