Thursday, September 16, 2010

Homework 5...

Not so great. XD 

I've managed to get the tracking, groups, motion, sensors...mostly everything works but bullets. I feel like I've followed the file given to us as closely as possible, but something's still wrong. It's definitely made of fail. ^^;  I also had a problem with my tracking; I created Boo-like objects and put them in a group. There's four altogether, and three of them won't float unless the first one has a soft body. I don't know what the heck I did to screw it up, but there's one random Boo creature that seemingly does nothing. He tracks me a bit, but that's the extent of it.

In the video, it's basically me moving what's supposed to be my humanoid/gun object running from Boo-like objects. This relates to our game concept because our enemies are going to be ghost-like creatures, and Boo is a fun ghost and easy to pretend to emulate, so I just took a sphere and gave it arms. 

Also, concept art. I will have the outside of the mansion up tomorrow, and maybe Anna. It depends on if I decide to fix her dress or not. >.< Or I may put her up and then put up the changes I may make later.

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